Scanning - Color and B/W

Color Scanning

From 4x6 Photos to large color maps, Master Image can handle most color scanning jobs.

Scan posters, maps, color renderings, and art work up to 36" in width. Once scanned, we can transform your artwork to various sizes as needed for your particular project.

Our experienced staff can edit your files, enhance and color correct your images and de-screen old printed pieces.

Document Scanning

Instead of warehousing your documents, scan them to CD for additional security and more efficient retrieval.

Scan in sizes from 5.5 x 8.5 up to 11 x 17, in both B & W or color. Our document scanners can help you store your documents digitally in various file formats.


Large format B/W scanning

Master Image can scan your original documents or blueprints up to 36" wide and either print additional copies, save them digitally, or email the file.